Work With Flow
Get more done with less stress

Fractal Planning (Work With Flow Workshop, Module Two)

This presentation provides the instructional materials for "Fractal Planning", the second module of the Work With Flow Workshop. It is recommended that you watch the presentation over more than one session (maybe 2 or 3), so you can absorb the material better.

Once you watch the presentation, make sure you do the homework so you can get your "stuff" all handled, once and for all.

You may also download the MP4 file of the Fractal Planning Presentation
(right click, "save target as")

MP3 Version

Here is an MP3 Audio version so you can listen in your car or as you walk around the neighborhood.
(right click, "save target as")

Supporting PDF documents

PDF of Slideshow
(right click, "save target as")

Building Blocks (The main building blocks of the Fractal Planning System in one handy 2-page document.)

Fractal Planning Definitions (Working definitions for the main terms involved in the Fractal Planning System.)

Additional Resources

Clear Mind, Effective Action (This is an earlier, and a bit more philosophical version of the fractal planning system. Chances are you've already read it. You'll find an effective "Clear Mind" proceudre here.)

Meet the Life Hackers This article is a nice summary of the work on interruptions in the workplace conducted by Gloria Mark and others. Among other things, it describes the finding that people tend to work on average for 11 minutes before being interrupted and taking 25 minutes to get back to work. On page 4 you'll find mention of Danny O'Brien's work as well.

The Checklist Manifesto Gawande makes a great case for checklists (or, as we call them around here, "stock plans"). [NOT an affiliate link]

Getting Things Done David Allen's legendary "Getting Things Done" system. Very much still worth a read, if you haven't already. [NOT an affiliate link]

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey's legendary "7 Habits" book. Very much still worth a read, if you haven't already. [NOT an affiliate link]

The Nature of Technology How almost everything humans create has a fractal structure (somewhat advanced material). [NOT an affiliate link]

Exit Survey

There are 4 more modules planned for the Work With Flow Workshop. I want to make each better than the one before. Therefore,. . . I would really appreciate it if you would leave some feedback on this module. There are just a few questions, and it should take less than 5 minutes. Thank you in advance!

Here is the link:

Fractal Planning Exit Survey

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